
  • 澳门葡京网赌游戏汤普森大厅草坪上的新生班
    春天 & 秋季学期

政策 & 程序


学术 & 学生的政策

作为一名学生, it is important to familiarize yourself with the policies 和 程序 that govern our institution. 政策, 程序, regulations 和 more are published annually in the University's academic catalogs 和 学生的权利、规则和责任.


第一次班会必须出席. If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from attending the first class meeting, please contact the faculty member or department administrator ahead of time. Students who fail to attend the first two class meetings may be required by the instructor to drop the course. 参观大学 出勤政策 了解更多信息.



Discrimination 和 Discriminatory Harassment Policy



General policy, 研究生ing system, appeals, 和 changes.


The residency status of a 学生 is determined by the permanent address given at the time of registration if there is no prior record as a matriculated 学生 at UNH. If there is a prior record, that prior residency status remains in effect until a new 居住证明 已向机构存档.

Add a course via Webcat through the published deadlines posted on the 硕士校历.

  1. Webcat 和 登录. 登录帮助电话:(603)862-4242.
  2. Select 登记.
  3. Select 添加/删除课程.
  4. Select 术语 (例如:2020年秋季)和 提交.
  5. 输入您的 RAC (如适用).
  6. Enter the five digit course reference numbers (CRN) at the bottom of the page, or select 类搜索
  7. Select 提交更改.
  8. For a printout of your schedule; go to Student Detail Schedule 和 choose Printable View.

大学的任何学生都可以, with the approval of his/her adviser 和 the continuing consent of the instructor, 在大学里旁听课程. 

  • The deadline for designating a registered course to audit is the 5th Friday of the fall or spring semester or the last day to drop without academic liability in 暑期班.
  • The instructor will determine requirements for attendance, participation, 和 any written work.
  • Audits appear on the academic record with a 研究生e notation of ‘AU’; no credits are earned.
  • Students who do not meet the criteria set by the instructor will be dropped from the course.
  • Tuition varies for audit 课程; see 本科 学费和杂费 研究生 学费和杂费 继续教育 详细信息的审计权限.
  • 下载并完成 审计课程表格



在下降期间, a 学生 may unenroll from a course through Webcat or by working with their advisor.  A course dropped during the drop period will not appear on the 学生 transcript. Drop a course via Webcat through the published deadlines posted on the 硕士校历.

  1. Webcat 和 登录. 登录帮助电话:(603)862-4242.
  2. Select 登记.
  3. Select 添加/删除课程.
  4. Select 术语 (例如:2020年秋季)和 提交.
  5. 输入您的 RAC (如适用).
  6. Select 删除/删除 or 减少课程 从课程名称旁边的下拉菜单中.
  7. Select 提交更改.
  8. Select 账户汇总 完成后.


Following the drop period, there is a withdrawal period. Withdrawal from a course during the withdrawal period will be recorded on a 学生 transcript with a 研究生e of W. The Withdrawal (W) 研究生e is not included in GPA calculations. Withdraw from a course through the published deadlines on the 硕士校历.


Students registering on or after the first day of classes are expected to pay tuition 和 fees at the time of registration. Students with unpaid bills may be dropped from their 课程 if payment is not received by the published deadlines. 帐单是发给每个学生的 Webcat 帐户和不通过邮政邮件发送. Notifications are sent to a 学生s' UNH assigned email account.

有关帐单的更多信息,请参阅 学生账户.

研究生继续招生 & 博士研究

Webcat registration remains open for these 课程 through the 3rd Friday of the 秋天 和 春天 semester.

Section specific information is available for the below 课程 at 课程.主要研究.edu

  • GRAD 800继续招生
  • GRAD 900硕士继续研究
  • 部门899/999

更多信息可在 学术目录.

  • Certain holds on accounts will prohibit registration.
  • 视图保存在注册菜单下的Webcat中.

联系 学生.accounts@主要研究.edu 寻求协助:

  • 逾期帐户余额
  • Reg Hold -不清楚状态

联系 金融.aid@主要研究.edu 寻求协助:

  • Perkins/Inst贷款违约
  • 直接贷款退出咨询

联系 研究生.school@主要研究.edu 寻求协助:

  • 要求研究生最终成绩单
  • 毕业生录取无回应
  • 需要研究生实习医师

Courses are mutually exclusive when course content is too similar to earn credit for both.

Students may not enroll if they have completed any mutually exclusive 课程 with a passing 研究生e.

学术政策变更请愿书 must be submitted for a mutually exclusive course to:

  • Request permission to register due to exceptional circumstances.
  • 请求行使权限 重复航向规则.

Note: credit will not be awarded for the most recent course completed, unless approved by petition.


先决条件: It is the responsibility of the 学生 to ensure all prerequisites or other requirements for a course have been met.

Permission is required for restricted 课程 as follows:


  1. 经系办批准.
  2. 联系 学术 Department for permission 和 then register through Webcat.


  1. 由指导员批准.
  2. 联系 Instructor for permission then register through Webcat.

Field of Study, Class Restriction, or College Restriction

  1. Permission (override) granted by the department office.
  2. 联系 学术 Department for permission then register through Webcat.


  • 本科 学生s: submit a petition to your dean's office with both advisor 和 instructor signatures.
  • 研究生 学生:向研究生院提交请愿书.


Students must register for co-requisite 课程 simultaneously (e.g. 讲座和实验).

本科在读学生 are issued a new RAC for fall 和 spring semester allowing registration during designated dates 和 times. rac不能被修改. If you lost your RAC 和 have used it at least once to register, you will be able to look up your RAC on Webcat by selecting View RAC on the 登记 menu.

研究生 不需要RAC注册课程.

继续教育非学位学生 不需要RAC注册课程.

  1. Webcat 和 登录. 登录帮助电话:(603)862-4242.
  2. Select 登记.
  3. Select 更改可变学分课程的学时
  4. Select 术语 (例如:2020年秋季)和 提交.
  5. Variable Credit Courses will display with a drop-down menu for 学分.
  6. 将学时更改为所需值.
  7. Select 提交更改.
  8. Select 账户汇总 完成后.


问题?  我们很乐意帮忙.
